Need some help

This is going to be a long post and I'm sorry! I'll try and keep it short.
My current boyfriend and I have been together almost 2 years now I'm 19 he's 21. 
We dated back in middle school he was my first boyfriend then we broke up after a few years because we never did anything sexual and we both felt like we were just friends. We dated from 6th grade to 8th grade
Any who I started dated this guy "C" and he was a little older, I was 15 at the time he was 16 turning 17. We dated for a few months and we fooled around but never had sex. He told all his friends we had while we were dating and I being a stupid 15 year old let everyone think that because I thought what was the harm we probably will soon anyway. Then we broke up because "C" cheated and started dating a new girl.
Later on I started dating this guy "L" and we were friends forever and basically the same thing happened we fooled around he told people we had sex. And we broke up before we ever did..
Then I started dating this guy "M" he was my first. We dated a few months and then we broke up because guess what he cheated on me also:/ 
Any who now I'm 17 and it's my senior year and my current boyfriend "A" actually asked me to my senior prom because his sister is my best friend and we had been hanging out. We've been dating ever since, now two years later he thinks I've slept with 3 guys..and I've just never corrected anyone when they thought but because I figured what's the harm no big deal I dated them I did stuff we just never slept together. And it's been a big problem in our relationship that I've been with "3" people. My current boyfriend has only been with one girl. They dated all three high school then they broke up because she found out "A" still had feeling for me after all these years. So "A" seems to finally be getting over it and just accepting it but I've been dying to tell him forever. But this whole string of lies has been going on for so long I'm not sure what to do.
I'm concerns because when we first started dating I told him I was with those guys when he asked because I didn't want to sound like a worst liar, because he was already told I had been with them and I didn't want to go threw and explain it all to him. But now I really love him and I want to tell him so bad