I Dont Ask You to do ANYTHING...

But I asked you to do this.

My brother invited us to his wedding.. I toldyou when it was and you were looking forward to it.

Now.. THE NIGHT BEFORE THE WEDDING.. you tell me you would rather go work a side job with a friend instead.

I do everything I can for your family.. I have since the day we met. Instead of going and doing things, just the 2 of us, you always want to invite your teenaged nephew or your sister.. that is fine.. I know you enjoy spending time with them and I love them as well so I enjoy myself as well. It gets a little old.. but.. its fine.

I used to ask you to do stuff with my family and you always make up fucking excuses. We have been together for close to a decade and you STILL have not met the majority of my family. My 2 brothers that you HAVE met really, genuinely, like you and try to involve you in things they do. I never get upset with you when you get shitty and dont want to partake.. I get it.. ok.

What I dont get is why you cant put MY FEELINGS above your own selfishness. "We are broke.. I need to work"

Baby.. you havent given a shit the whole summer about not having any money.. why now... ALL OF A SUDDEN... are you worried about being broke?

I just want you to give a crap about my family and I... not as much as I care about you and your family.. God Forbid.. just a little crap.