Ugh... I'm so frustrated!!!!!

Jennifer • My little girl will be five in July and is a huge big helper to her little brother that was born in March.
I just have to vent! We were supposed to close on our new house tomorrow, but the stupid loan company messed up on the paperwork so now we have to wait til next Friday to close. I know that at least we will still get the house but my husband had it planned to take next week off to get the house ready to move in and can't take the week after that off cause his boss is going to be gone. On top of everything I'm a full time student that has to put in 60 hours at a high school for one of my classes, and I drop off my daughter at school every day and take her to dance class every Monday. I'm just super stressed that the loan company dropped the ball on their part and needed to get this off my chest. Sorry for taking up anyone's time but I needed to vent!