Pregnancy test!!!!

Anyone ever take a pregnancy test 3 days before period and got a negative and then took one after expected period was due and got a positive???
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I have with my daughter. I took one the day AF was suppose to come and got a negative. Then I took one 4 days after that and got a positive. That's what I am hoping for this time.  Took a test yesterday and it was negative AF due tomorrow. I'm hoping I get a positive next week sometime if AF doesn't show up tomorrow. Baby dust to you ✨


Dallas07 • Sep 20, 2015
thank you praying for your rainbow baby as well ❤


🐘🐘🐘 • Sep 19, 2015
Sorry to hear about your MC. I hope and pray this is your month


Dallas07 • Sep 19, 2015
I'm hoping for the same. sometimes I feel like my body doesn't produce enough hcg. this happened with my first pregnancy I tested numerous times before and after my period every test came back negative until I started receiving very sharp pains in which I thought was appendicitis unfortunately I was suffering a miscarriage. Baby dust to you too❤


Posted at
That's exactly how I feel about HCg and my body. I wanted to wait until AF was late but broke down and took one before and I was devastated because I thought this was our month. My husband and I are TTC our rainbow baby. Our first month. So I guess we will see how the rest of our week goes. 


Dallas07 • Sep 20, 2015
baby dust too you 💕