Biggest baby in NICU

Aileen • Mommy of 2. 2 previous MC.
My beautiful daughter was born yesterday. She won her big brother by a pound of weight. Ultrasound estimated 7.5lbs and she is 8lbs11oz. L&d went great. I was getting induced Monday but came to triage because lack of movement. Than they just admited me being 4cm dialated and contractions every 4 min. My water for broken and that's when it all picked up. It felt like trying to do the splits cold turkey while being hold dow for 30 sec. Was at 7cm when I got the epi. Had some weird complications but ft everything settled. Baby was doing just great! Felt some pressure an hour after the epi, called the nurse and sure she was there. Pushed for 10minutes. Than baby started having problems breathing. We thought it was because of altitude (️CO) but seems somehow she got an infection. While they were working on her, my placenta did not wanted to come out! It took about 30 minutes until dr put her hand and just pulled it. I was supposed to stop bleeding 2 hours after but kept doing so for about 5 hours. Baby spend the night at NICU and it was hard not getting that perfect delivery scenario. But she is in the best hands!