Lliam Vandecar 💙 9-19-2015

Mary • Mom of Lliam, born Sept 2015 ❤️
Welcome to the world Lliam Vandecar! 
Born September 19 at 4:39 AM
6 lbs 4 oz of perfection He melts my heart! 
Here is my birth story (my plan was for vaginal hospital no meds but that all changed:/)
At 40 weeks and 4 days..... I was having pretty consistent contractions on Friday evening and they got to be 3 min apart and super intense. So we went to the hospital and I was 3 cm (1 cm at my appt on Wednesday) dilated and 90% effaced. We were admitted and then I got to 5 cm, and gave in and got the epidural. The pain was too much. After the epidural kicked in my contractions started increasing slightly but not as fast and when I would switch to my left side his heart rate would drop. So they would switch me back to my right. Checked me against at about 3 am and I was 7 cm and no progress on effacement. So they gave me pitocin. After the pitocin there was no increase in contractions and I moved to my left side bc I wasn't numb on that side. Well as soon as I did that his heart rate dropped way low. They switched me and his heart rate didn't increase. They then put me on all fours and that's when it got scary bc they realized he was wrapped up in the umbilical chord and heart rate not increasing at all. So they had to do an emergency c section. But they were wonderful and amazing and hubby and I were scared to death and just started crying. They moved us into surgery within 5 minutes and he was out in maybe 10? To hear his cry was the most reassuring thing but it was the most scariest moment of my life. There was no way i could have done vaginally bc he was so wrapped up. But they did a great job and I'm so thankful we were at the hospital. I can't imagine not having him here 💙 so we get to come home tomorrow after his circumcision, but so far I'm healing  great, Lliam is perfect. Surreal 💙
Good luck to all you other September mamas waiting, it's worth the wait!