Update: HSG & My Tips

Michelle • 34, DH 37. ttc #1 for 4+ years
Hi ladies! Just wanted to post an update for all of you who were following my fear of the HSG post! So it turns out I was scared for NO REASON! I even had to have my cervix dilated, and I was totally fine! My tubes were completely clear, but I didn't even feel pressure from the dye, which a lot of people have said they feel discomfort from. I wouldn't even compare it to cramps I get on my period. So for those of you who are going for the first time, or doing another - here are some tips I would recommend trying before you schedule/go.
1- I went to an RE who did it in the office, not a radiologist clinic or hospital - I think this might make a difference bc REs specialize in doing this type of thing and they literally do them every week (if not more). That being said, choose someone who has experience! My first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> SUCKED (which is also a catheter procedure) and I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that I went to someone who didn't have a good technique (she was fresh out of med school). I have had 2 other catheter procedures through my cervix besides the HSG by experienced doctors and didn't have a problem.
2- I took 600mg of ibuprofen (not Advil, Motrin, or Tylenol) about 45 min before my appointment time (1.5 hours before the procedure roughly). I'm sure this had something to do with the lack of pain I felt.
3- I took .25mg of Xanex about 30 min before I took the ibuprofen - I have bad anxiety so I have a standing script for it - but don't be afraid to ask the doctor for it. It helps to be relaxed for the procedure.
4- When they start the procedure try your best to keep the lower half of your body relaxed - I know this is hard bc the nature of this procedure is anxiety ridden, but all modesty goes out the window! So accept it and move on - I even had a med student in there observing who looked like he was 12, but I just ignored him. Lol. 
5- BREATH!! This was critical for me today - whenever he told me he was going to be inserting the catheter, or the dye, I took a deep breath as he was doing it. 
6- Talk to the doctor throughout the procedure if it helps you relax. Some people like to choose a focal point to stare at to help them get through it, but talking helps me most to get my mind off it.
7- If you are prone to fainting or getting woozy, ask for an alcohol swab to sniff before they get started. That way you have it ready to sniff when you feel it coming on. I learned this trick when I fainted after getting an IV once. One sniff of that swab will help to being you out of it - I now do it every time I have to get blood drawn. 
8- If you do feel faint or woozy, lay on the table for a bit and sit up SLOWLY! When they doctor talks through your results I would recommend laying there while they do so - this will help to distract you from entering into "the point of no return", as I like to call it! Lol
I think that's about it! I hope these tips help those of you who are as terrified as I was going into his procedure. I think trusting your doctor/the person doing it is key, so be sure to do your research!! If I can answer any other questions you guys have please ask! Thanks to all of you who helped keep me sane over the past couple days! Glad to be able to pay it forward today ;)