I am being induced!!!

After almost 48 hours of labor, I am being induced! Yesterday, I wasn't dilated at all, then by 4am today I was a 2, they sent me home to be more comfortable and to eat. I came back as doctors orders at 11 and I was back down to a 1, but I was also at 70% and the baby at 0; but my cervix has been in the "birthing position" all day. Everyone was confused, they even had a hard time finding the sac! I thought I was leaking fluids, so they did an u/s and my amniotic fluid was VERY low. So, now we are waiting on shift change so that I can be induced! I can't wait to meet her, and EAT! I have only had a banana in the timespan of 2 days!!! Soooo hungry, but worth it for my baby girl!