
Rachel • My husband and son are my world!
So, I've been trying to breastfeed--my baby is 2 and a half weeks--and it was easy at first, except for latching--we have to use a shield--but now it's SO demanding of a job--my baby was losing weight at our check up, so we have to feed him 30 minutes on the breast, along with another 1-3 ounces of pumped milk or formula. He eats every 3 hours. I'm starting to get really REALLY worn out. it's an endless cycle of wake him up, feed him for half an hour, pump for 15min, feed a bottle for 15 min, clean up and get ready for next time--and that's just the feeding part--between the 3 hours (which is really more like an hour and a half after all is said and done), I still have to change him, clean up and make sure I have everything I need for changing, if he needs clothes changed, do that, maybe get him to sleep, and maybe be able to get something to eat--I feel like giving up breastfeeding because it's so demanding...and then I feel horrible for thinking on earth do you get through the first few weeks??? I'm told over and over again that it gets better, but it's SO hard....