My birth story

FTM here:- At 40+4 I lost part of my mucus plug at 7 am on 21 September. I had quite a few painless Braxton Hicks contractions until about 3 pm when I had a bloody show. I started to have unpredictable mild to painful contractions until about 5 pm. Between 5 and 6 pm I started to have contractions every 7 minutes. As I had an unrelenting pain in my pelvis that didn't subside between a contractions the hospital asked me to come in for observation. Labour slowed as soon as I got into hospital at 7 pm. By 9 pm the contractions picked up again (quite painful as they had me on my back) and an internal examination showed I was 1 cm dilated. I was surprised at how much it had hurt to get to that point. The midwives recommended I go home at 10 pm so I went back home and labored for two hour in bed with a Tens machine. I actually managed to get some sleep in between contractions! I then had to get up to vomit and decided to have a warm bath. I labored in the bath from about 12 am to 2 am. Contractions were between 6 and 8 minutes apart and lasted for about a minute. They were intense but I made it through by making long "Ahhhhh" sounds to match the pain. I felt a "pop" at 2 am which was my waters breaking and I started vomiting again.  My mum and husband rushed me back to hospital and I used the Tens machine in the car. I told my husband that if I wasn't more than 5 cm I would be considering an epidural. When I got to hospital I felt the need to push and the midwives confirmed I was over 9 cm dilated- I couldn't believe it! I pushed slowly from 2.30 am and at 4.05 am my husband announced that we have a darling boy, and a big one at that! He is 9 lb 1, birthed vaginally without drugs, and I only required 1 sucture (as both sides of my labia were grazed and the Dr didn't want them getting stuck together as they heal). 
All the best to all the overdue mummies to be!