She's here! ❤️

My due date was the 17th of September. My water broke on its own on the 18th around 530pm. Went straight to the hospital and got there around 545pm. Contractions started out light on the car ride there. They got really intense after I got admitted and had my gown own. After 2 really intense ones, I tapped out and demanded the epidural lol. I was already 4 cm when I got to the hospital so all I had to do was sign the papers and wait for the anesthesiologist. Finally got relief around 740-745pm, and let me tell you, was in heaven! (And so was my fiancée lol). I felt no more pain and I was able to enjoy my visitors, watch movies, eat ice chips and laugh. Time went by really fast. At 12am on the 19th, my nurses came in and said I was 10cm and was able to start pushing! My doctor finally arrived around 145am after I had some practice pushes. At 2am on the dot, my beautiful princess was lying and crying on my chest! She weighed 8pounds 1ounce and was 20inches long! She is just the most beautiful thing I ever did see. ❤️