I've got three months

Ok, so here goes it. I was pregnant until two weeks ago when we lost our baby boy. In my first trimester I gained weight exponentially. I couldn't stomach veggies, could barely stand  meat, all I wanted and could tolerate were carbs. I put on 22 lbs. Add to that the 15lbs since February I put on during the course of multiple moves, a new marriage, honeymoon etc, I've got some work to do. While we are forced into this waiting period due to testing we need to do before trying to get pregnant again, I need to focus and get this weight off!  I hope people don't mind, but I'm going to use this as my progress board. Once a week posting where I'm at at struggles and successes. If anybody knows a better group let me know, don't want to overwhelm any group posts are not intended for 😉