Eva Violet 9/22 9lb 5oz

Christina • Cancer survivor, working full-time Mom, pregnant with 2nd daughter
After having back labor and cramping all Monday night and into Tuesday afternoon, I decided to go into the hospital to be checked around 4pm. I went from a 4 to 5 cm. Then everything went so quickly and within 10 mins I jumped to a 7. After stalling at 9cm, we had to get a little Pitocin to push things along. We winded up having the baby by 10:28pm on 9/22. Pushed for 12 minutes after 3-4 pushing sessions and she came right out. I am glad I labored at home as long as possible before coming in. And glad I made it on time. 
Eva Violet 9lbs 5oz 21inches long. Now I know why I had such bad Prodromal labor. I am a small woman who had a giant baby. 
Dealing with some low blood pressure issues and passing out. And some pubic separation from labor.