Help ????

Really hoping to get pregnant I had sex on the 11th , 17th , 18th , & 21th of this month , my period started in the 1st and ened on the 6th .  Is there a chance ? 
Could it be to early to test or have symtops ? 
I was going to wait till the 1st week of October to test ?? 
Lately I've been feeling very very tired , been having nausea and having bad head aches and constipation and for some sort of reason my body and stomach feel a little different .. My period are very irregular so I tired really hard this time to try to conceive since I don't get my periods every month .. My periods usually last up to 3 to 5 days ... So it's hard to track if I'm late because my period are irregular can anyone help me please !!!! 
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I would try and take a test. It sounds like you have many of the symptoms of early pregnancy to me. You can always go to the doctor for a blood pregnancy test they are more accurate early on! Good luck😊


Patricia • Sep 24, 2015
You can always test now and if it comes back negative don't get discouraged wait a few days and test again really sounds like your pregnant 😊


Lucy • Sep 23, 2015
Ugh really , I have had nausea but without vomiting , I've had bad head aches , I've been sleeping a lot , & also I've had constipation . Should I test now or wait ?