Have you been "raped"?

I know this is probably a very iffy topic, sorry about that lol.

Uhmm, how many of you have been in a situation where you've been sexually abused in some way?

When I was about like maybe 5 or 6? My cousin who was about 12ish at the time decided to "experiment" with me.. and the situation has been handle so I'm not asking for any input on that. And I'm not asking for you to share experiences or stories. Unless you want to.

But it's something I've pushed out of my mind for the most part... but lately, I've been thinking about it. I don't have any issues with sex or anything. My current SO doesn't have any idea about it. Weve been together almost 6 months. I told my ex boyfriend about it after about being with him for a year and a half only because I was thinking about it and it got the best of me and I started crying when we were going to bed one night.

Have you told your SO ? How did they take it ? How long before you told them and how did you tell them ?
