Got some messed up weird news

So 2 weeks ago i had a drug screening, i am young and irresponsible at times,however i do not and have never and can honestly say done street the time of the drug screening i had been taking my prenatals,tylenol,pepcid and also percocet (for wisdom teeth aches) everything i take is prescribed directly to me....well my doctor informs me the baby looks great however my drug screening came back positive for crystal meth!!!!!?EWWWW! Wtf is all i was thinking and saying,i explained to him i have never even seen meth other than on tv and the last thing i would do is try it! He kinda had a blank stare at me and was like well we will test again in couple weeks and see...has anybody expierenced this!? I know for a fact ive never seen nor touched any street drugs!!! And now its so awkward with this new doctor due to him thinking im a meth head 😤😔😔😔