I've been up all night stressing over this! Please Help!

So last night my hubby and I get home at around 10pm and all of a sudden I feel something wet in my undies so I'm like oh crap..AF is here..well I checked and it was light to med brown spotting..just a couple drops on my panty liner with some pretty mild cramping and it's not like normal consistency of normal blood; not as thick, like more lighter and thinner. AF Isn't supposed to show until tomorrow at the earliest..my average is a 29 day cycle I guess from what glow says and my luteal phase is usually 13 days give or take a day..I think I ovulated on the 13th of this month possibly the 14th even but my O day off ovia is on cycle day 16..the 1st day of my LMP was on August 29th..spotted first day..full flow next day then spotting 3rd and very light spotting 4th day in the am..what I want to hear about is if anyone has experienced this brown discharge and is it implantation spotting /bleeding? Plus I have been getting dizzy alot this last week and headaches as well..