Confused please help


Hi ladies, ok if this has happened to you or your a medical professional would love you're advice.

* we had a miscarriage in july, does you're ovulation cycle go back to normal or can it be all over the place?

*this is our 2d month of ttc so i brought a maybe baby ovulating miniscope and i clear blue digital ovulation kit plus using this app

*i got my solid smiley face on monday, the maybe baby has been showing ferns all week and then this morning i peed on a spare ovulation stick and it came up with two solid blue lines that we not showing at the start of the week on the other sticks.

So whats going on with my body? Is it possible that im still ovulating? I still have ferns on the maybe baby too.

The screen shot is not to brag about how much sex im having (though im not going to lie...... its been AMAZING ☺)

any advice would be appreciated xo