Taking Newborn out

I've taken my baby who is now 2 weeks old out of the house a couple of times to Dr. Appointments to lunch and to the store but people keep telling me not to that I should be home in bed rest and baby shouldn't be out .. What have you moms done since giving birth ??? Or what's your opinion 
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Ppl will probably say I'm crazy but my son is 2 wks 3 days and I have 3 older kids so he goes with us everywhere and has since 5 days old.. My kids have sports and my SO works so I'm the only one able to take them and do things that need to be done.. Yes its tiring and at times I wish I could just stay home and rest but not a option.. Do what's best for you.. Everyone will always have an opinion..


Chelsea • Sep 26, 2015
Very true


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Um...I just got home from a hs football  game with my toddler and 2 week old. Do what you want mama and what you feel is best :) 


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I had baby out when he was 3 days old :) Just a little stroll around Target (I needed to get out!) and I kept him in his car seat covered with a blanket. Babies immune systems aren't as fragile as you would think. They recieve all your antibodies the last trimester of pregnancy and these antibodies last til about 3 months. I actually brought my baby home while my son had chicken pox! 


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My LO is a month old. In the first couple of weeks, we only went to doctors appointments. Now, we go to a mommy and me class, target in occassion, and restaurants a couple of times per week. He is always covered either in a wrap or car seat so people don't try to touch him or breath on him. I figured it's easier to get out with him now when he's usually just sleeping although I do try to avoid times when places are crowded. 


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It's good for you to get out and go on short walks, get some fresh air before it gets too cold. I have not had my little one yet, but I plan to take her out, obviously not in extremely crowded areas though. And baby wrap or baby wearing while grocery shopping is amazing as I learned from my friend. It frees your hands, they are close, and you gave more room in your cart. 


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I mean ideally, keeping baby home is best because they're less likely to catch something, but that isn't always realistic. I had to take my baby out a week after my c section this time around and with my husband deploying very soon I'll be taking her out much more since we will need groceries and stuff. I just make sure to wear her in a wrap to keep the weirdos from getting close to her;)


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I've been doing the same, taking her to her doc appts (she's had 2 in 2 weeks), lunch once, and a couple of walks. I've had an incredible amount of energy since I gave birth despite the lack of sleep, so I've been keeping busy with her.


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We have been going out for walks since leaving hospital. You can't beat the fresh air. 


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Gave birth on Monday 9/21 went straight to the store on Wednesday after i was released ,yesterday 9/25 we had a family trip to the zoo & then a froyo place to celebrate my middle child's birthday, &today we went to watch him play soccer... If baby is healthy you do what you feel up to. I always squash "conserned" strangers with im not dying and im not putting my life on hold i gave birth women do it everyday. 


Posted at
I've been staying with my mom since I gave birth and she's so old school. Her theory is to not leave the house until after 6 weeks. Baby girl will be two weeks on Monday and I'm dying to get out. I'm not use to being stuck in the house