Back to Breast

I'm 3 weeks PP and I've been exclusively pumping and/or supplementing with formula pretty much the whole time. My baby was born at 35 weeks 5 days due to pre eclampsia. He was given formula almost immediately after birth because of low blood sugar thanks to gestational diabetes. He latched shortly thereafter but I was too worried about him getting enough to eat and keeping his sugars up to really focus on breastfeeding in the hospital. (Plus, I found the hospital's lactatuon consultants to be so aggressive that I didn't want to talk to them.) When we came home, it just seemed easier to pump and supplement with formula then to really try to establish a breastfeeding routine. Now I'm wondering why I gave up on feeding from the breast so soon. 
I actually enjoy pumping because I can really keep track of what he's eating and I can use it as an excuse to take 20-30 minutes to myself 8 times a day. My husband is a stay at home dad so it's also easier to pump so he can be more involved in feedings since he'll be doing them when I go back to work in 15 weeks. But I also enjoy the closeness when I actually feed from the breast. 
I'm wondering if it's too late to go back. I'm considering just taking a day to focus on breastfeeding but I don't know the best way to go about it. Feed on demand and pump after? Will my supply go down from one day of not pumping? (I only pump 15-17 ounces a day and the baby eats like 24 ounces between breastmilk and formula.) Talk to a lactatuon consultant first to see if we have any latch issues? How will I know he's getting enough if I can't measure it? Any advice would be appreciated.