I feel confused and need some advice..

I fell in love with someone and it is the only guy I ever felt this way about. We were together for almost 4 months, but took a break for like a month or two then have now been together almost 4 months this time and I gave him my birginity this time.. I have known him for about a year and we have had great times. And also have had bad time and have made it through. Though, lately I have just been so sad and distant. Not feeling it for most people in general. This guy I met like 3 years ago and grew apart from bc of school just reconnected with me and we hungout a few days ago and when he hugged me to say hi I felt a happy feeling and when i was laying on the floor he layed on top of my to "squish" me and I felt like our bodies were in perfect form. As if meant to be that way. I asked him later about it and he said he thinks he is developing feelings for me and did not intend to. He keeps saying he does not want to rush with me because he wants us to become close friends first and wants to not confuse my emotions. That is respec isn't it. That is a good thing right? People say if you fall for a second person you never loved the first one. But idk if I have fallen for him. I do like him. And am getting feelings. But I also know I love my boyfriend. Someone have any advice?