Moving on

Just wanted to give my story to anyone suffering from this awful fact of life. I miscarried my first pregnancy last month. I found out, had a d&c, and buried my baby all in 2 weeks exactly. The recovery process mentally and emotionally is still happening, but I feel myself get stronger every day. I just got my period the other day after 5 weeks since my d&c. I can't explain it, but I've never been happier to see af. It was such a relieving feeling, to know it is all finally over. Finally. We are going to "try" again now, except I'm going to have a different mentality. We're not going to prevent it, when it happens it happens. I'm leaving it up to God. I'm going to try my hardest not to get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away.  It will happen. When I do get pregnant I know I will be scared. My goal is though, instead of focusing on the fear and what could happen, I'm going to enjoy every moment with that new life. Even though the future is so unknown. Because there are days I want so badly to be pregnant with my baby just one more day, so I can enjoy it once more. I'm sorry for everyone who is going through us. We will all appreciate our babies so much more, knowing what a true miracle they are.