Spotting (Scared) 😓

Monica • 21 | Married to the love of my life❤️💍 | praying for a baby👶🏽 | HSU Junior❤️ | Guatemalan🇬🇹✊🏽 |
Keep in mind my husband I have been TTC for a year. Okay so two days ago I was supposed to start my period but instead I spotted a little in the morning. Later that night my husband and I have intercourse because I wasn't bleeding at all. Then I felt a little mild pain, more like discomfort below my stomach and I told him about it.  My friend who had a miscarriage in her first pregnancy said that's what happened to her and she was already pregnant and she went to the doctor and she sadly lost her baby. I just took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I'm scared and I don't know what this could mean. I'm also irregular in my cycle so what else could it mean?