I gave birth at home, assisted by my midwife, doula, husband, birth assistant, and student midwife

I gave birth at home, assisted by my midwife, doula, husband, birth assistant, and student midwife.  I went into labor at 3am on 9/3 and gave birth at 3:57pm on 9/4.  I wanted a water birth, but after laboring and pushing in the birth tub for quite a few hours, I wasn't making the progress I wanted to.  I had to have IV antibiotics after we thought my water had broken, so I had to get out of the tub every 4 hours anyway.  At the recommendation of my midwife, I started pushing with her help at 8-9 cm, and moved to the toilet to push for a little over an hour.  Then I moved to the bed, and in just about 4 contractions, my baby was born.  Despite what Hypnobirthing taught me, labor was painful, particularly the pushing phase, though to be fair my baby came out with her hand by her head.  Makes for painful pushing.