why would he lie? UPDATE: don't know what to do.

catsi • 19. pro-choice, pro-love.
my boyfriend came over to watch a football game. my mom has the flu and didn't want anyone over, so i told him not to park in front of my house, or the house next to mine where no one lives. anyway, when he came in i asked him where he parked. he said "i didn't." im like then how did you get here? he said "i didn't drive." i assumed he took the bus or got dropped off. i said oh okay then took a nap as he watched the game. a couple hours later he woke me up to tell me he was leaving. he was on the phone talking to his friend who's car needed a jump. he said "just stay there bro, im getting in my car now." ..... ??????????? why would he lie about something so small and stupid?! now i question to trust anything he fucking says
i talked to him about why he lied last night and his excuse was "because im  a douche" and changed the subject. i asked him again and he said "is it really that serious" i don't care that he had to lie about where he freaking parked, im mad that he had to lie in general and refused to respect my wishes. just careless. he said that if he didn't lie he knew how i would react. that makes me wonder what he lies about even more. i told him how lying about something no matter how big or small can affect someone's trust and he told me that i was bugging him and to leave him alone. he told me to stop talking to him. WTF? i told him how careless and disrespectful he was being towards me lately and he said "im sorry you feel that way but im not apologizing for that dumb shit" he avoids every conversation with the one being in the wrong and im sick of it. im extremely upset and can't even talk about how i feel because he refuses to talk to me.