Need opinions (rant)

Okay so I'm getting so stressed ove my baby shower. My husband is in the coast guard and we live in NJ & all of our family is in FL so we are going down in November for our baby shower that our mothers are supposedly planning. Well my mother in law (who is pretty wealthy) is creating all these conflicts with my mother & pretty much over stepping her boundaries. She insists I change things on my registry and pretty much added things to it on her own. On a regular basis she texts me things I "need" for the baby when I know I will not use them or have picked a different brand that I like. She's very hard to talk to because she wants everything her way and isn't use to people saying how they feel to her face. So basically she went and hired a party planner... Yes a party planner for this baby shower and is now in a argument with my mother over sown thing ridiculous as the food that's going to be there when I do not like what she is choosing & my mother knows what I want/like. I'm extremely grateful for everything that his parents do but it comes to a point where I want nothing to do with her because of the way she treats my mom &  how childish she acts. I don't know what to say to her with out her getting offended... I'm so over all the arguing a bickering that honestly I don't even want a baby shower any more. Ugh any suggestions? & sorry I needed to vent my husband always takes his moms side.😡