TTC my rainbow baby

My husband and I suffered the devastating loss of our first and only child to date on February, 13th (a Friday to add to the irony) at 8 weeks. We've been TTC our rainbow baby for 4 months now. September 29th was my due date and coincidentally the day I should ovulate this month. Is it a sign? Could this be our lucky month? I'm spiritual but not religious and I'm scared to be optimistic and I'm also scared that this week will be filled with nothing but sadness. Putting into words how hopeless, guilty, terrified, and deeply saddened I feel is difficult, but I've found so much comfort and hope in this site. Just listening to everyone's stories and seeing the support people give to complete strangers gives me strength to keep having faith in life, god, humanity. Thank you all for sharing and being there for one another. You're all truly amazing woman.