Dealing with Mom


My 14 yo son is under the impression that parenting is abuse. Since I've heard my mother question my parenting abilities, I've no doubt where he gets it. She's been gone for a blessed month, albeit for tragic reasons. When she returns, what should we do? Limit the time he spends alone with her? He truly suffers from two mothers- me and her. He stays with her once a week, and she picks him up from school if something comes up with me.

Fyi, the "abuse" is expecting him to act responsible, and telling him no. He is not expected to do chores- because his grandmother has guilted us out of yelling at him. We nag him about homework and school because he can do better. This is also counted as abuse. The child has never had a hand laid on him, and never had to suffer anything other than thinking too hard and being subjected to "the talk" again and again.

Despite this, he is a good kid. He doesn't throw fits, he doesn't get physical, he follows rules from others to a fault. He's shy in groups.

Any words or experiences you can share?