First Miscarriage

Shay Marie • Family of 4! ♡
Hey ladies. So, over a month ago I found out that my husband and I were expecting baby #3. My first ultrasound was on September 15. She couldn't see much, said I'm earlier than we thought. Two days later I began to spot. Went to the ER where they checked my levels. They were at 5033. Followed up with my ob the next day (09/18). My ultrasound showed as if the gestational sac was separating itself from the uterus. She did a pelvic exam, and said it all looked normal. On the following Tuesday (09/22) I went back to my ob because the bleeding was increasing. The ultrasound looked worse. The sac was definitely separating itself. Checked my levels, and they were only at 6350. Not nearly close to doubling like they should have. She called me the next day and told me she believes I am miscarrying and to keep my appointment for the next week to do a follow up ultrasound to see what I have passed, or my other options to help the process. I believe I have passed a part of it on the 23rd. I'm in denial, but I feel like something is telling me not to give up, and cling on to this tiny bit of hope that we'll see a beautiful miracle next week. But I know to expect the worst as the bleeding is the same, and what I passed last week. I hate this. This is the worst thing to ever go through, I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy.