
I was just diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. As a young girl I was very active and played in ever sport I could get into. I ate well and exercised all the time. So, you could say I was healthy. 
I was in two abusive relationships and wasn't allowed to keep my daily routines of working out and eating good. I gained a lot of weight during both my pregnancies, but got rid of it fairly easy. Both my babies were well over 9 pounds each. Being a mom helped me maintain a somewhat healthy lifestyle. 
My father passed away when I was 22 years old, which was after my first child was born, but before my second was born. That put me into a great deal of depression and weight gain once more. 
I found a guy that appreciates me for who I am and treats me like a queen. I'm so thankful for that. We've been together going on 12 years now. Yay! 
I managed to gain a lot of weight through your our relationship and I feel horrible. I still suffer from depression and anxiety this is all due to my father's passing. We were very close and it was sudden. I took it very hard and became an emotional eater as well. 
I know this is a long, drawn out story, but I just wanted to paint a picture for you. 
This is my first real bad diagnosis. I'm 36 years old and I have a bad back and knee. I really want to lose all this weight, but it's hard to breath and walk with my injuries. I'm wondering if all of the stress, depression, anxiety and weight gain had to do with me having a hypothyroid. Has anyone else felt this way? Any info will help a great deal.