Pain after sex

Okay so this is going to be a little bit of a TMI
(But I guess we are all on an app that is all about that)
I guess I'll give a little bit of a background 
Okay so my boyfriend and I have been having sex for almost 2 years now. It has always been great but recently (within the past month) it has gotten really good. He has lost weight so his penis size has grown due to the fact that the fat around that area has gone down. That's our theory anyway.
So recently whenever he's been getting really deep it feels like he's hitting something at the end of my vaginal cavity. And it hurts but it feels good.. If that makes sense. And it feels that way while we are having intercourse but afterwards I get really bad cramps and pain in my lower stomach. The pain feels similar to that of a period cramp. Has anyone else experienced this? I love having sex with him but lately this has become sort of a problem.