Has anyone missed a period for 2 months and found out later on you were pregnant?

Sarah • Mommy to 2 angel babies Mommy to Lilah Arianna💘👶🏼
So far I'm not the out yet no period but it's been almost 2 months and I got a negative test it should of been positive by now 😔 I haven't been stressing lately, traveling, etc that can make your period late. I been eating healthy taking vitamins and I know it helps to use opks and checking your bbt but with me it's like I wouldn't wanna do all of that I just relax have sex and see what happens lol. I really have no pregnancy symptoms at all I feel normal but I'm just really tired of waiting and waiting. I'm really hoping I am but doubt it if my period comes at least I'll know when to try again has anyone went months without a period and found out they were pregnant like later later on I would say maybe 10 or 12 weeks and did not know? I know it's probably impossible but just curious thanks! This is my 8th month of trying