Let Go & Let the Baby Fairies Do their Work...


Good Morning Ladies,

I see a lot of women on here Stressing about TTC you ever stop to think that the stress is the reason u cant conceive?? It is possible .. My opinion is to let go and let God or whoever u may worship do their job when the time is right & wait for when he's ready to give it to u! Some of you seem so overwhelmed with TTC ur wearing ur brain and bodies out not realizing how much stress ur putting urself in.. I pray it happens soon for y'all and myself as well but Much #BabyDust #BabyDust to everyone! Just my thought.. May we all have a stress free day! 🙏😘💨👣💙💜👶

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Posted at
Did you ever think we might have been told that a thousand times already? Did you ever think that it might be hurtful to be told the reason I can't conceive is my fault? That I'm apparently doing it wrong? How am I supposed to stop thinking and caring and wondering about the thing I want most in the world? It's like somebody saying "don't think about elephants" so all you can think of is elephants all the time...But you know, thanks for your support.


Jesse • Sep 29, 2015
Baby dust to you both. As someone who is also trying to conceive I did not find her words rude or dismissive, I found them to be comforting. I guess everyone handles stress differently. Good luck to you guys ☺️


🌳Sara🌳 • Sep 28, 2015
Thank you, Andrea!


🌳Sara🌳 • Sep 28, 2015
intent isn't magical. lots of people say hurtful things trying to be kind. it's not helpful or thoughtful or even original to tell people who are stressed not to stress. it's a meaningless platitude, right up with telling people who might not even believe in your god to trust god... I'm sorry I doing grouchy but I'm so damn tired of being told relax and it'll happen. I stayed relaxed for a whole year and it didn't happen, my emotions are reasonable and valid and I should not have to try to feel "right" about a situation that I don't think is right at all. I'm glad you're able to not feel stressed, I guess.


Posted at
Thank you for the kind words! You are absolutely right. All the stressing is not good on our mind and body. This month i am taking a break. I'm tired of the "trying" attitude! All that testing and stressing and for what? Things happen when you least expect it. God bless! 


Posted at
Thank you. Well said.


Posted at
Agreed!!!! I think it's a big problem 


Posted at
Thank you I will try to stress less and be more positive about it all