Heidi Leighanne

She's finally here at 40+6. 
Born 9-26-15 on the eclipses blood moon!
9 and a half pounds! 20 inches.
Third natural birth. Started out like braxton hicks. Wasn't in pain and very sporadic but had a strange feeling so decided to check myself (I don't recommend doing that unless you know what your doing) and I was very dilated and couldn't feel my cervix at all and her head still in her water bag was right there!! Told my husband "we got to go now" and sure enough my 30 min drive to hospital was perfect timing to get me to 10cm. Pushed her out when we got there. Had an on call dr who was super cool. He stood in the back of the room with the nurses and told me I had this! I was on hand and knees and pushed her out onto the bed with no assistance other than my husband rubbing my back and my doula telling me I was almost done. Her water broke right before her head came out. Could not believe she was 9 and a half pounds because I only gained 15lb this pregnancy (155 at birth) so between her and the placenta which was huge I'm basically back to prepregnancy lol! Unfortunately I tore 2nd degree :( but it was worth it! She's nursing great and sweet as can be! We are so exited!