The cheap pregnancy test at Walmart.

Jessica • Have a 2 year old son named Kenzo. My husband and I were married on July 4, 2015. Not TRYING to conceive. Just letting God decide!
Ok, so last week I took 3 of the cheap $.88 pregnancy tests. They all came out positve, although the lines were very faint. I had to go to the E.R. Saturday night due to severe cramping. I thought maybe it was a cyst I have. The doctor asked if I could be pregnant and I told her about the tests I took. Well, she said they would do a urine test there to confirm. She came in about 30 minutes later and said the test came out negative. Now, knowing my body, I missed my period days ago. So I still kind of didnt believe it. I just took this 20 minutes ago. :)