HELP!! Short Cervix, Preterm Labor, Bed Rest

Rose • Mommy to Isabella Rose 🌹
Okay so today I went to get an ultrasound of my baby girl and my mom is the one that actually does my ultrasounds . Everything is literally looking perfectly with the baby but my mom saw something with the cervix and she chose to do an endovaginal ultrasound . Okay, so I have a short cervix and when my mom put pressure on my belly you could see that my cervix is funnel-like and I only have 0.8cm holding my baby from the inside when last month it was at 3.46cm.. The doctor comes and sees it and he checks my cervix and he says in not dilating but the cervix is pretty soft ..the doctor told me to be in moderate bed rest and pelvic test for the rest of the pregnancy and we will see how it goes.. At this point I'm freaking out bc if I do any hard movement or lift anything up she can come out and I don't want her to come so early although i know either way she will survive if she came early but I rather keep her inside for at least till I'm 34 weeks (I'm currently 27w3d). I'm in such an emotional roller coaster right now and it's going to be hard since he told me to basically do everything sitting down (cooking, laundry, etc) . He told me that if I wanted to I could stop working but since I'm a receptionist I'm basically sitting down all the time and the only thing I do would be vacuum the carpets at work so he forbid me to do that if I wanted to keep working .. 
He put me on progesterone and I have to stick it WAYYY up my vagina until at least 32weeks .
Has anyone gone through this or is going to this?!
Should I keep working if I'm only sitting down or should I just stop completely ??
Please any advice will help right now
This is basically the 0.8cm of support I'm getting so my membranes don't rip.. I'm so scared