I am so done!

I have 10 days left & they just can't pass quick enough. I am so over being pregnant. I cannot for the life of me get comfortable in any position that I lay in. My left hip & leg hurts & my right shoulder & arm hurts. So either position isn't comfortable at all. Plus I have this cough that I can't get rid of. I'm afraid it's making me contract too much. I just had this awful pain run from my lower back to my lower front pelvic area that hurt. The last couple of nights I've been woken up atleast once or twice from a pain in my left side & hip that doesn't go away unless I get up & go sit upright somewhere & rock side to side, goes away after about 15 minutes. Must be from not sleeping comfortably. I'm not dilated or effaced but I have a cesarean scheduled soon & I just cannot wait!