I'm scared and feel like I have no one

So last time I hate my period was the end of August around 26-27 after The day b4 I left vacation well that whole vacation me and my bf of 2years fucked 
Now. I am 2days late and I'm worried 
I don't wanna freak him out 
And can't tell my mom because she would kick me out. Cause she was pregos at my age (18) and she don't want that for me. 
I'm scared because I mite. Be pregos 
And. Cause I need advise with no one to help 
Also can't. For sure. take a test till Friday 
But. On a. Scale of 1-10 what r. The chances. Of me. Being prego 
Thank u all for. Ur help 
And support 
-little miss moonlight