Help me out ladies, is this ovulation pain?

Melanie • Rainbow baby girl conceived with the help of science and born 5/23/17, pregnant with baby number 2, due August 29th
I've never had ovulation pain. I was in clomid 100mg cycle days 3 through 7. Today is cycle day 14. I take clear blue digital ovulation tests, and two days ago got "peak," yesterday was low, and today was "peak" again. I have this dull ache pain in about a square inch area on the lower right side of my abdomen / in the pelvis area. I also have mild cramping that feels like period cramps, and TMI, lots of CM. For any of the ladies who experience ovulation pain, or have taken clomid, what do you think? Also, if that's what it is, and this is in fact the day I'm ovulating, would yesterday or today be the most important for sex? We'll try for both, but my hubby has a poker game tonight, so I am worried it won't work out as planned. Thanks for, your help!