Can't handle these hormones

Hormones are killing me today. Everything is the end of the world. I have cried all day and feel so overwhelmed. I was never that mom who dreamed about a set of twins. I'm really upset because I feel like they are hijacking my birth experience. I've been risked out of my current midwife practice because they can't do twins. The new practice has an awesome midwife who I have delivered with before but they are in a new Hospiyal and haven't delivered twins at that location yet. This means they don't know exactly how invasive they will be. I am automatically excluded from laboring or delivering in water. I don't get to deliver in a regular L&D suite, it had to be an operating normally room. I won't be able to get up and move around much. I can't consider a home birth because of my history of PP hemorrhage. I feel trapped and I'm having trouble coming to terms with it.