
Momofboys • mom of 3 on earth and twins in heaven.. due 4/28/17 after 13 months of infertility..
I had a normal cycle as scheduled 9/20-9/24. I started testing w the first response digital opk on cycle day 5 as directed. (It's the little stick machine u plug the test into every day and it remembers your level from the prior test) when you take the test out you can see a pink line - cycle day 5 after my period the pink line was very light. Well cycle day 8 the line was very dark but the test still said no - LH surge. But since that day the line has been super faint almost non existent.. What is going on? Glow has me to ovulate around oct 2-8, so within the next week.. Did I ovulate on cycle day 8 and just miss the surge? Or is it normal for the line on those tests to be light then dark then light again? Confused... All the opk cassette tests I take are the same lol except on cycle day 8 that was a close to positive but just not quite...