Gestational Sac in uterus and tube?


Gestational Sac in uterus and tube?

i was at my ultrasound today. I'm 6 weeks exactly. and they were checking to see if anything was wrong b/c i cramping for a week now.

They did the sonogram and my husband was watching and i could tell by his facial expression that he was confused and didn't understand what she was looking at. She did look in my uterus but spent more time looking at my ovaries, then showed me an empty gestational sac. And then told me I had to wait in the waiting room b/c she had to call my dr.

Well finally the dr called back and they talked and then FINALLY they told me what was going on.

Apparently I have a gestational sac in my uterus that measures right along with when my LMP was. And I have either a Gestational sac implanted near my ovary or an infection there. So I have to take it easy and be on bedrest till monday. I also have to go get more bloodwork done and have another sonogram done on monday to see if they detect anything.

has this happened to anyone? ANy insight! or support or personal experiences are greatly welcomed.