Help... Did I miss my surge?

Ashleigh • Engaged to my best friend and soldier. We have a 5 year old son, and currently ttc our second ❤️
I just started tracking my opks for this cycle, and glow said I was to start my fertile window today. Well last night I went and purchased preseed and opks. I tested last night around 9pm and it was a light line. I at least know it's not a positive until the test line is as dark as the control line. Obviously. My husband and I bd last night with the preseed just to try it out, being it was the first night of my supposedly fertile window. I just now took another opk and it's even lighter than the one from last night.. Like it's almost not even there. Did I completely miss my surge or is there still hope? If I missed my surge i'm going to be completely upset as we only bd 2 out of the 6 days. 😔😔