Is it ok for me and my be to have sex- I'm 15 he's 16 and were thinking about it but the hard part is he grandma died not long ago and I think that he's acting out and wanting to have sex just because of his grandma



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Posted at
That's honestly not the reason why. He wants to have sex because he wants to have sex. His grandma is a sad experience -- sex is not. I'm not sure how that correlates? Personally I don't think you should have sex at this young age. If anything happens you need your parents consent for everything so just take your time and don't be pressured because his "grandma" died.


Diana • Sep 29, 2015
Okay that's good but it's not because of his grandma it just doesn't make sense. I would think you would really depressed if the closest family members has passed.


Rachel • Sep 29, 2015
Yea but I was thinking like he's acting out because his grandma was his closest family member that's what I was thinking and yea but I'm on the pill and I have been for a while now and wouldn't get pregnant women and it would be both of our first times but thanks


Posted at
I had sex for the first time at that age. Wasn't my best decision. You need to know for sure if that's what you both want to do. You can't have a do over. Think long and hard about it. And please if you decide to do it use protection.