False Hope

Hello April 2016 Buddies,
So I went in for my first U/S last Friday at 10w 6d only measuring 7w and also found out there is a possible identical twin 😱. There was no heartbeat found on either (too early) and both blobs measured within days of one another. My hcg levels were 88,900. My doctor told me there was a very high chance that I was miscarrying because the baby or babies should be more developed considering my hcg levels were so high. So she scheduled another hcg test today. She said my hcg levels dropped to 46,000 😫😭😭 I know that hcg levels stablize at some point but I don't know if they are stabilizing or dropping because I'm losing them. I have had absolutely no idicaters; no bleeding, no cramping, nothing that would point to miscarriage. One would think that my body would have realized that the babies aren't viable at this point....I have another U/S scheduled for this Thursday to see if there is any growth. I'm so scared...I know that the chances are pretty low at this point but it's so hard to think about. It would be easier to accept it all if I were given a definitive answer. Its just been a lot of waiting and wondering.  I've thought about every outcome possible I'm just hoping for a miracle at this point. Please pray for progress! I'm running on false hope...