10 things I've learned while TTC

Michelle 💕 • TCC #1 for 2 long years... Mentally & physically drained

1. Patience is a virtue and I still have virtue but after 2 1/2 years of TTC, my patience went out the window a long time ago yall.

2. Even if you do things the way society and your parents consider the "right way" (college, career, marriage, house...like I did) it doesn't guarantee that you'll be favored with the ultimate blessing: Becoming Parents.

3. Infertility is a disease of the reproductive organs but it damages the heart & spirit more than anything

4. Just because your mother has numerous children (my mother had 6) it doesn't mean you, yourself, will easily conceive

5. There are ALOT of TTC websites/blogs/forums on the internet. WOW lol

6. Hearing people say "All you have to do is ask God and he will bless you & your husband with a baby" doesn't encourage me, it really depresses me.

7. My husband is my rock.

8. No one can truly understand this struggle unless they have endured it themselves.

9. This is by far the loneliest path I've ever had to walk in my entire life (as far as not having any close friends & family to relate)

10. Before this struggle I thought I would be talking about diapers, babynames, and breastfeeding all day on social network if I ever got pregnant. But now I have a strong desire to talk about infertility awareness to give other women struggling, hope in their journey