Did anyone else have early pregnancy symptoms like this?

Today my period was supposed to start and it did not. I took a test about a week ago and it was negative, but it was a cheapie (from Dollar Tree) so it was probably too early to test. I have had some symptoms. About a week and a half ago, I had bleeding for 3 days and my periods usually last 6-7 days. I also had weird cramps in my side but they weren't severe and they weren't like period cramps at all. It was only when I peed or when I was sleeping and I only went through a pad a day. Along with the bleeding I've also been super tired and been taking naps everyday which is not normal for me. I am extremely bloated, like to the point where someone would probably think I'm pregnant, lol. I've also had a couple migraines which I've NEVER had in my life before this week. Has anyone else had symptoms like this and did you end up being pregnant?!