Ohh the wait..

Kylie • Pregnant with a baby girl after 8 years TTC. 💕
I'm new to Glow. I've had it for about a month now but, have just began to post because I wanted to watch others and get the hang of how things work here. These are the results of the blue dye test I took yesterday morning and have previously posted. Though I haven't heard good things about blue dye... This morning on my pink dye test I got nothing. AF is due tomorrow. 10/1. Trying so hard to hold out hope!  I miscarried a little over 3 years ago and have had nothing close to positive since. I don't want this to be my false hope! My mom had 3 miscarriages and had the most awful time getting pregnant.. Took her 7-8 years to have me. It's so scary! I haven't been actively "trying" after the miscarriage but, my fiancé and I definitely haven't prevented it & this is a first for a very faint line. Hoping & praying. Hoping & praying. Any one else in the same boat? Baby dust! 🌟