
Brandi • ☀Beach👣Seduction👙Love💕

I had a dream i was pregnant and couldn't figure out how far along i was. This lady told me to pull my car under this giant tree and open my sunroof. A big chain net came down from the tree and into my car through the sunroof. She said she was going to ask me questions and for ever positive answer she was going to throw a kids toy into the chain net. The amount of toys will let her know how far along i am. We never got to play the game bc something.happened and we had to go inside where all these young guys were sitting around with guns waiting for people in the woods to come out shooting. And while i was watching them all i could think was 'maybe the pregnancy crisis center can help.me figure out how car along i am'

And that's it.

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Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you on this! A dream about being pregnant usually means one of two things: either you've been thinking about it a lot lately, OR there's a part of you that's growing and developing in the real world (either spiritually, emotionally, or something along those lines). Trees are representative of strength, serenity, and life. Nets are representative of capturing something or holding on to something. The net coming down through the sunroof from the tree and the mention of toys being put in to the net tells me that as you are growing in the real world, you're trying to remain strong, look on the bright side, and are trying to cling to or "capture" this new you. The men with guns represent a sense of safety that you want while you're growing in the real world. I hope that helped :)


Brandi • Nov 17, 2015
thanks so much💕