I went in Monday September 28th for my 4D ultrasound and was told by the way my other one went he wa...

I went in Monday September 28th for my 4D ultrasound and was told by the way my other one went he was low on amniotic fluid so I got sent to the hospital to do a stress test. When I got here I did what I was supposed to and when they examined me my doctor came in and told me that somewhere my fluid was leaking and my baby boy would be safer for both of us for him being born premature than to try to make it my full pregnancy term cause we could have lost him. So I stayed that night and they gave me cervidil at 4 to soften my cervix and then 4 am the next morning they took it out and at 5 am they put me on pitocin and then around 8 they broke my water and around 3:30 after 2 hours of pushing my beautiful baby boy was born!! He weighed 4lbs 5oz and was 19 1/2 in long. He has already gained that I know of, since my last update on him last night, 5oz already. Welcome to the world Gunner Aiden Lafollette!!! You're a strong baby and we will get you home soon!! Mommy and daddy loves you!! 😘😘😍👶